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NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Moving Soon – Take...

The time to act is now for Rhode Island gun owners. It’s not a matter...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: 2025 Legislative Session Convenes Today

Today, January 7th, the Rhode Island State Legislature begins the 2025 legislative session. As in 2024, the Legislature can be...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Mandatory Storage Bill Signed As Legislature Adjourns

Late last week, Rhode Island lawmakers adjourned for the year, but not before anti-gun Gov....

Turning EVERY Meta AR into a SMG on Rebirth Island

Today I turned EVERY Meta Assault Rifle in Warzone into Movement SMGs! 9 different AR's, 9 different gameplays. I hope you enjoy and let...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Mandatory Storage Bill One Step Closer...

Rhode Island politicians who control the Legislature think you should keep your firearm under lock...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: House Expected To Vote on Mandatory Storage...

Anti-gun politicians in the Rhode Island House are planning to pass yet another infringement on...

NRA-ILA | Turks and Chaos: Island Jurisdiction a Potential Nightmare for...

Set aside communist Cuba for a moment, these days another Caribbean island jurisdiction is providing...

UNBOXING ASMR! Hello Sanrio Mystery Box and Sakura Box YUMMY!!!

Holaloha, Mallowers~ 🏝️ Welcome to my tiny island in The Bermuda Triangle! #maikalives @MichiMochievee 【Membership】 Come join me in The Bermuda Triangle: 【Socials】 ・Twitter ・Instagram ・TikTok ・REALITY app ・Twitch ・Carrd 【Donate】 ・Ko-fi ・Throne gifts 【Credits】 ・Opening song:...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Senate Passes Mandatory Storage Law – Take...

On Tuesday, the Rhode Island Senate continued its campaign to trample the Constitution, passing another anti-gun bill. This...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Gun Bans on Tap in the House...

Almost a dozen gun bills are scheduled for a hearing next week as gun grabbers...