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Tag: Installing

Installation of 2-piece quad rail on a Carbine AR-15

Installing a 2 piece quad rail on a carbine length AR-15

Installing and sighting in a Streamlight TLR-4G laser on a Glock

Installing and sighting in a Streamlight TLR-4G laser on a Glock Please Support this channel: Save 10% off the purchase of a SIRT training...

The AR-15 Project: Installing the Buffer Tube and Stock

Part 3 of the AR-15 project. Finally! The gun is starting to look like a rifle....sort of. I was going to wait until the...

Installing Takedown Pin and Buffer Tube – Building your AR-15 –...

Install your takedown pin and buffer tube with this quick and easy tutorial. Need more help building your AR-15? check out the videos below. Visit Cheaper...