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Tag: How to build an AR15

The MOTH Build – The Latest Full Custom AR15

In this video we are going to checkout a full custom build sponsored by US ARMS CO. They were able to send over a...

How To Build An Accurate, Reliable AR-15

In this video, Shayna discusses how to build an reliable AR-15 that is accurate and reliable. We got all these tips from experienced builders...

Aero Precision AR15 build

I put together a 16” ar15 rifle using a custom aero precision builder set. It shoots great and looks good. Don’t forget to subscribe...

Palmetto state armory / Aero Precision 300 blackout AR pistol

Budget built 300 blackout pistol using a complete palmetto state armory upper and an aero precision lower. This gun turned out great and didn’t...

Budget Build (Building a battle AR15 for $1500)

In this video im going to show you what parts I would recommend you purchase when building out your first AR15 or maybe you...

How to build a Custom AR15

This is a complete review of the rifle I would have built first if I knew then what I know now. I'll cover all...

Unboxing my Dream AR15 Build (Every Part)

I unboxed and built this AR live on Twitch! I'll be uploading the build video soon! I Stream on Twitch every night at 12am MST! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter...

How to build an AR15 upper receiver

AR-15 Upper Receiver build start to finish Links to some of the products I use and recommend: 8 Piece Pin Punch Set 4 inch Long with...

AR-15 Gas Tube Installation – Geissele Gas Block Tools

Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are: I install my Damage Industries gas...

AWESOME!!! PSA 14.5″ M4 5.56 NATO 1/7 Nitride Barrel Assembly...

Palmetto State Armory and it's PSA 14.5" M4 Barrel Assembly are the next items to be installed on my M4 Build. This barrel...