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Airsoft Review FR – Holosight Eotech 551 Red dot ASG

ENGLISH SUBTITLE NOT AVAILABLE YET Hello everyone, Sadly, after the review of the incredible red dot Eotech 552 of Samoon, here is the review of one...

Airsoft Review ENG – Holosight Red dot Eotech 552 Samoon

ENGLISH SUBTITLE AVAILABLE Hello everyone, Review of one of the best red dot Eotech I ever had, the 552 of Samoon is just perfect! You can find...

Airsoft Review – Lens Protection Eotech Element vs Guns Modify –...

ENGLISH SUBTITLE AVAILABLE Hello everyone, Comparative video, deathmatch, and also review, between the lens protection for Eotech (551, 552, etc.) from Element and Guns Modify! I compared...