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6.5 CREED HACK! #longrangeshooting

#shorts #short

AR15 | Leapers UTG Build | M&P 15 Sport 2

AR-15 enhancements with @Leapers_Inc on my @SmithAndWessonInc M&P15 Sport II 16" Rifle #ar15 #rifle #gunrange #rifleupgrades #riflebuild #triggers #risearmament #florida...

5 Tips For First Time AR Builders!

I love to build rifles, almost as much as I love to shoot them! Here are 5 tips that I have come up with...

Lubricating Your AR-15

Looking for new personal defense skills delivered straight to your inbox? Sign up for the free PDN newsletter to get started today. ...


Sign up for the free PDN newsletter to receive the latest videos, articles, and tips straight from the experts! Understanding how to...

The CMMG Mk47 AKM Mutant Personal Defense Weapon

Join the PDN community to access a huge library of personal defense instructional videos: The Mutant looks like a typical AR-15 type rifle until...

Springfield Armory Saint AR-15

Join the PDN community to access a huge library of personal defense instructional videos: Springfield Armory, one of the oldest and most trusted names...

CMMG Resolute 200 7.62×39 First Look

CMMG revamped its line of firearms in 2018 to introduce 3 series. Banshee - Pistol and NFA SBRs Resolute - Carbines ranging from PCC to rifle...

Easy Installation of A Bolt Catch Pin

This short video will show how to easily align and install the bolt catch roll pin on your AR lower. If this is something...

How to Shoot a Rifle Off-Hand | MSR Shooting Tips with...

Professional shooter, Ryan Muller, demonstrates with an AR-style modern sporting rifle (MSR) how he prefers to shoot from an off-hand and standing position. ____ Subscribe to...