Tag: gun safety
700-Dollar AR15 vs 2,000-Dollar AR15
Comparing a low-end AR15 with more expensive variations of the AR15.
------------------------------------------- Remember to check out our video clips on the Hickok45Clips channel:
Also, check...
Getting Ready For My AR-15 Build! I Think It Going To...
My options for my Ar-15 build and which lower receiver to start with! Hmmmm..
POV The Wheeler Tools Ultimate Armorers kit! #diy #gunsmith #ar15
Get a first-person look at the Wheeler Tools Ultimate Armorer's Kit, your go-to solution for DIY gunsmithing! Perfect for AR-15 enthusiasts, this comprehensive toolkit...
Bushmaster 450 Review Let’s See How It Shoots!
Today we are out on the range testing out the Bushmaster 450, let's see how it shoots!
What do you think of this firearm? Is...
Rifle Drills for when Ammo is Scarce
Ammo is scarce and getting to the range is getting more and more expensive. This video focuses on the most bang for your buck...
STOP Spending Money Magpul Stock
I show you how to better your carbine magpul rifle stock for your AR15. Don't spend money on the more expensive Magpul CTR stock....
Colt AR15 A2 40th Anniversary
Celebrating my 40 years with this fine old Colt AR15A2 5.56 rifle!
------------------------------------------- Hickok45 videos are filmed on my own private shooting range and property...
AR-15 Goes On Trial For Murder
There has been a murder. And the clear suspect is this AR-15, which shot the victim all by itself. Will justice be served?
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AR-15 Goes On Trial For Murder
There has been a murder. And the clear suspect is this AR-15, which shot the victim all by itself. Will justice be served?
Watch the...