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AR-9 on a Budget Part 1: Magazine and Lower Options

In this episode of TFBTV, Hop compares all magazine and lower options for building an AR-9 on a budget. Reviewed and evaluated in this...

NEW CMMG GUARD 9mm – First Look

Andrew gives you a preview of CMMG's new GUARD MkGs 9mm rifle. Full review coming soon! Follow Us! Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:

CMMG Banshee 10mm!

This video is for educational purposes and discussion only. Do not attempt to imitate anything contained herein. For a full explanation of CMMG's Radial...

AR-15 Trigger Guard – Install Video

AR-15 Trigger Guard - Installation Video This installation technique works for most every trigger guard installation that requires roll pins to install the trigger guard. Buy...

Testing the CMMG RipBrace with the Law Tactical Side Folding Stock...

Knowing I run the Law Tactical Side Folding Stock Adapter on my CMMG Banshee 9mm, CMMG sent me one of their RipBraces to review....

Building Your AR-15: Installing the Trigger Guard

Struggling to install your trigger guard? This quick video will show you just what to do. Need more help building your AR-15? Check out...

How to install a Magpul MOE AK Hand Guard on VSKA...

HEY GRUNT NATION! Today we are installing the Magpul MOE AK Hand Guard on a VSKA AK-47. Let me know what you think about the...

CMMG Platform Overview – MkGs and Mk17

As we continue to go through the different platforms, we take a quick look at the differences between our MkGs and Mk17. While virtually...

AR-15 Free Float Hand Guard Install | M&P Sport II

Link to hand guard and tools AR-15 Free Float Hand Guard Install on my smith and wesson M&P sport II. This was my first...

Aero Precision AR15 Lower Build Kit w/o Fire Control Group, Trigger...

This is the official unboxing video of the Aero Precision AR15 Lower Build Kit w/o Fire Control Group, Trigger Guard and Pistol Grip from...