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Did NASA Force Nikon To Discontinue This Camera? – Nikon P1000...

It’s so fun to watch the Flerf’s conspiracies fall apart. PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE CHANNEL - Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share, Turn On The Notification...

Fast Loop Sling … Blue Force vs Magpul vs Tactical Pro...

Mad Max Palmetto AR-10: AR-15 Scopes and Pistol Optics for the Apocalypse: #poconoshooting #guntraining #ar15 #reddot #eotech www.poconoshooting.com

Nikon P1000- Royal Norweigan Air Force C-130J-30 Hercules Landing at Teesside...

Royal Norweigan Air Force C-130J-30 Hercules landing at Teesside International Airport with ATC. This aircraft, reg 5629 flown in from Oslo. This aircraft has...

Nikon P1000- Swedish Air Force Saab J-35J Draken SE-DXR Departs Teesside...

It's not everyday that you get to see one of these at your local airport! A lovely sight to see at Teesside with the...

Zooming in on….. Saudi Air Force Airbus A330 MRTT with nikon...

A quick zoom to take a look at a Saudi Airforce Airbus A330 MRTT (Multi Roll Tanker Transport) plane as she's on approach...

NRA-ILA | Biden Gun “Task Force” to Seek New Federal “Authorities”

On September 26, President Joe Biden signed an executive order “combatting emerging firearm threats.” According...

One Force Weaponry: Optics, game drags, new-used arrivals!

Another OFW video for your enjoyment! This week we are talking about some optic restocks, grabbing game drags for the upcoming season, deer season...

Delta force : Hawk ops (EP01)

Gostou do estilo do vídeo ? Assista aqui em baixo outros vídeos como esse: JOGO DE AIRSOFT EM AREA PROIBIDA : RESGATE DO ENGENHEIRO...

Zooming in on….. Royal Air Force C130J Hercules with Nikon P1000

A quick zoom to take a look at an RAF Lockheed C-130J Hercules transport aircraft, seen here she is at 19000 feet and cruising...