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Caldwell Deadshot Fieldpod

A quick review of the Caldwell Deadshot Fieldpod.

DeadShot FieldPod :30 sec comercial

This is the :30 sceond DeadShot FieldPod commercial that airs on the Sportsman's Channel, Outdoor Channel and Wild TV.

Lifestyle Video Featuring Caldwell, BOG-POD and Tipton Brands

Check out this lifestyle video featuring some of Battenfeld brands. Caldwell Shooting Supplies, Frankford Arsenal, Wheeler Engineering, Tipton, Lockdown, Bog-Pod, Non-Typical Wildlife Solutions, Golden...

Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod: An Archer’s Choice Favorite

Watch as Ralph Cianciarulo and members of the ACM Posse highlight the effectiveness of the Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod engineered by Battenfeld Technologies, Inc.

Caldwell Deadshot Fieldpod Shooting Rest

100% portable, rock-solid benchrest for accuracy in the field!

Caldwell Brush Country Monsters DeadShot FieldPod Review

Why does the Brush Country Monsters team use the Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod, engineered by Battenfeld Technologies, Inc? Watch and find out.

Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod

The Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod engineered by Battenfeld Technologies, Inc. will help you achieve benchrest accuracy when in the field. It's lightweight aluminum construction weighs...

Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod Magnum

The Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod Magnum engineered by Battenfeld Technologies, brings the same benchrest accuracy as the Caldwell original Deadshot Fieldpod, but with great new...

Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod with Aaron Davidson of Gunwerks

Aaron Davidson of Gunwerks explains the new Caldwell DeadShot FieldPod engineered by Battenfeld Technologies, Inc.

CALDWELL FIELDPOD (shoot’n rest) a quick look

Got a Caldwell "deadshot" Fieldpold here and giving y'all a quick look at it. Out of all the bipods tripods and shooting sticks I...