Tag: Federal
Choose The Right Ammunition For Your M4 A2-A3 ( Bushmaster )...
In this video will be talking about ammunition and what you should be feeding your #M4’s and #AR15’s
Ammunition plays a critical part and how...
The Ultimate Speed Loader for M&P 15-22 and other 22LR Magazines!
The Ultimate Speed Loader for 22LR Magazines,
McFaden Machine 22LR Loader
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How many rounds without cleaning or lubrication before a DI AR15...
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We always hear that the AR15/M16 "poops where it eats" but what does that truly...
CMMG 22LR Conversion review
We plan on selling The CMMG 22LR conversion kit so I wanted to test it out.
Best .22lr Ammo for AR-15 with 1/7″ Twist
I test some different .22lr ammo and decide which type is most accurate for my AR-15 conversion. Federal, Remington, CCI, Aguila, Winchester have all...
Eotech HWS Extreme Tempeurature Test
In this video, I'm testing my Eotech HWS to see if the reports of zero shift under extreme temperatures are true, and to see...
Long Range Ballistics (Nikon Monarch 5)
The VSO Gun Channel is an educational resource of VSO Media LLC, a research and development/ Testing Evaluation firm. VSO is not licensed to...
Federal judge grants preliminary injunction in 3D-printed gun case
A federal judge on Monday granted a preliminary injunction to a coalition of states seeking to block a Texas-based company from posting online...
CMMG 22lr Conversion Kit, Failure Problems and Fix
How to fix feeding issues and failure to ejects on the CMMG 22lr Conversion kits. ...
How to install a bipod (viewer request)
Requested by 443BIGVIC, infidel shows you how to install a bipod on the Savage model 64F. It's an inexpensive .22 rimfire rifle, great for...