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Tag: extractor

AR15 Bolt Carrier Group Assembly

This video demonstrates how to assemble the bolt carrier group (BCG) on an AR15 rifle

Do You Need The Extractor O ring???

Extractor o-ring may be needed for some applications but not all. What to look for and be mindful of. thank you for watching and...

How to Disassemble/Reassemble an AR-15 BCG Ejector & Extractor

How to Disassemble/Reassemble an AR-15 BCG Ejector & Extractor. How to remove and reinstall the Ejector Pin, Plunger & Ejector Spring. Complete disassembly of an...

Extractor spring replacement and bcg inspection

I show how to replace the extractor spring, inspect the BCG, and take a look at the DPMS small parts kit.

Troubleshooting the AR-15 Pistol platform: Problems and fixes

Hey guys and gals, After a lot of research, and a lot trial and error with my own AR-15 pistol build, I made this...

Quick Tip: Benefits of an A5 Buffer in Your AR-15

Sometimes we all need a buffer from life's problems, and today Brownells Gun Tech™ Steve Ostrem talks to Mike Mihalski, founder and owner of...

AR15 Bolt Carrier Group How to Lube, Failure to Eject

Diagnosis + Ramblings, failure to eject issue on a rifle that I have always known to be reliable. Clean and lube your bcg Either...

First thing to do with a new BCG

First things you should do with a new BCG (Bolt Carrier Group) Inspect, disassemble, clean, lube, re assemble, Function test. SPIKES BCG 158 carpenter steel...

How An AR-15 Rifle Works: Part 1, Components

AR-15 Part 1, Components. A schematic video animation in HD showing the components of a basic AR-15 rifle. Watch Part 2 to see how all...

BCM AR-15 Extractor Spring Upgrade Installation & Review (HD)

BCM's BCG upgrade kit. Sign up for my email list here: www.Mrgunsngear.com 1776 United Shirts link: My Forged From Freedom Shirts: www.facebook.com/mrgunsngear Mrgunsngear patches/stickers: www.twitter.com/mrgunsngear Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound ...