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6.5 CREED HACK! #longrangeshooting

#shorts #short

GPM Teaser 15 Rifle Scope Zero Stop, Easy Reset Guide

This one is a little out of my wheelhouse but I am gonna give it my "best shot"... I am used to reviewing red...

Steel & Easy Optic Swap/Zero: Western Rattler .357/EOTech/Magnifier/Wraith Mini 4K/Bull Dot...

An easy way to swap out optics and be very close to zero on the new one without a bore sight. All you...

Easy! Replace Stream light Scorpion Sleeve

In this video I show how to easily remove and replace a rubber sleeve on a stream light scorpion flashlight using compressed air. #shorts...

Garbage Guide: AR Upper Parts Kit Install + Super Easy C-Clip...

Video I made on installing your upper parts kit, and a super easy way I found to install your dust cover c-clip without it...

Destek Virtual Reality Headset (VR) complete unboxing and instructions

Device: Destek VR Headset iPhone My complete unboxing playlist __________________________________________________________________________________________ Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different...