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GBRS Standards Check Drill 1,5, & 5 @ 10 Yards. Side...

GBRS Check Drill 1,5,& 5 @ 10 Yards. Side By Side View W/ The Target To Show The Hits. I Was Very Proud Of...

PNWMINUTEMEN Muzzle Brake Transition Reload Drill Rapid Fire engagements Eotech AR15...

MUZZLE BRAKES Been Testing A Type 89 Style Brake/Comp And It Has Made Staying On Target During Rapid Fire Engagements Much Easier Very Flat...

D.O.T.M. 20 Alpha Drill with Blu Bearing Solutions

The 20 Alpha Drill, developed by Daniel Horner of the AMU, is a great drill to test your cold shooting ability. In this video...

Haley Strategic Partners 22422 Drill Of The Month

Good practice and training are the keys to improvement. If you want to be a better shooter, you have to put in the work....

I Took This Marines Rifle Course And This Drill Was The...

Rifle Training Drill In this video, I wanted to share my experience with my Daniel Defense DDM4 V7P rifle. The "P" in the model name...

Downed Limb Malfunction AR15 Drill

Strong hand downed limb malfunction drill… believe it or not, this is a student favorite. They learn a lot about manipulation of the weapon...

The F.A.S.T Drill w/ Former Delta Force Operator Kyle Morgan

In this drill of the week we shoot the F.A.S.T. (Fundamentals, Accuracy, & Speed Test) Drill designed by Todd Green. Download the Drill Here: Range:...