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Tag: dirty civilian

KS-47 American “Krink” Perfectly Customized For CQB

This Is A Customized Palmetto State Armory KS-47. The American "Krink"! Chambered in 7.62x39 8.5in Barrel. #krink #psa #palmettostatearmory #tattsandstraps #streamlight #budgetbuild #budget #custom

Holosun Thermal & Night Vision Red Dots | Are they Game...

The new Holosun Thermal (DRS-TH) and Night Vision (DRS-NV) Red Dots are finally here. How do they perform and are they worth it? Are...

America’s Rifle | How the 16″ AR-15 Became the Standard and...

In recent years, the 16" barrel length for AR-15s has lost favor with many over slightly shorter 14.5, 13.7, 12.5, and 11.5 setups. In...