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Backyard Birdwatching Bonanza from Flocking Around Bird FeederCam! – 03/11/2025 Watch...

Join us at the Flocking Around Roost Bird FeederCam daily from dawn to dusk to see backyard birds and other wildlife from the Rockies!...

Daily Defense 3-24: Shooting Drill #3 – Rifle-Mount Exercise

In this episode, Jeff demonstrates a drill to help you develop a rifle mount that's right for your body type and rifle. The "rifle...

Flashlight 101 with the Daily Prep

Get a little flashlight lesson from Blade HQ and the Daily Prep. What type of flashlight should you get? Watch to find out. We have...

DAILY DEAL ALERT: Picture Perfect Nikon Scope

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you're looking...

Daily J Episode 2020-006 Saving Money on Ammo with CMMG .22lr...

Showing you how to save a ton of money in ammunition costs by picking up the CMMG .22lr Conversion Kit & how you can...

Streamlight Stylus Pro – The Perfect Daily Carry Light

Is the Streamlight Stylus Pro the perfect daily carry light? For me it's close. In this video I talk about the light...

Gun owner destroys his AR-15 after Florida shooting – Daily Mail

This New York gun owner, upset with all of the shootings this year, decided to take action by destroying his personal and legal AR-15. Original...