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Tag: Creates

HE CREATES THESE MONSTERS! | Dead Space 2008 Gameplay [EP.8]

Finally Found Out Who Made These Monsters That Keep Coming Back To Life! Welcome to a New Gameplay Series on the channel called Dead Space...

NRA-ILA | Biden Creates New Office to Funnel Taxpayer Funds to...

Professional gun control advocates have always had a seat at the table in the Biden...

NRA-ILA | New Credit Card Rule Creates Gun Registry

On September 9, the International Organization for Standardization (“ISO“) announced that it would create a...

NRA-ILA | “I Did That!” Biden’s Gas Crisis Creates Public Safety...

The Biden Administration is serious about making it more difficult for responsible citizens to exercise...

NRA-ILA | Senate Gun Control Package Creates De Facto Waiting Periods

Current Law Most law-abiding Americans over the age of 18 enjoy the right to purchase a...

NRA-ILA | Anti-gun Press Parrots Misleading Stats and Creates Outright Falsehoods

As NRA-ILA recently pointed out, gun control researchers and their establishment press lapdogs propagate misleading...