Tag: Commando
Colt M4 Commando SBR 11.5
Colt M4 Commando w/ Eotech 512, knights armament rail and VFG. Breaking her in.
Colt M723 Late Model / M16A2 Commando Tokyo Marui MWS...
Neues AR15 Carbine aus der Black Hawk Down Era. Freue mich schon auf den Zusammenbau.
Danke für eure Unterstützung!
Kit List:
Nova M733 / M723 CNC Receiver...
The moonrock of the AR15 world, Eagle Arms EA-15 E2 Commando...
The most rarest AR15 in America, The Eagle Arms EA-15. This is a post 94 manufactured AR15 that was advertised as the xm177 or...
Colt M4 Commando Marked Lower Receiver
Proper "M4 Commando" model designation engraved on the lower receiver with LE prefix serial number (example: LE123456). Limited availability of government contract exclusive product....
M16A2/AR-15 Commando Retro Build.
My attempt to clone a model 733/933 retro build, still need to old school CAR stock.
#m16 #bushmaster #commando #retrobuild #rockriverarms #ar15pistol #clone