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Tag: cmmg receiver extension

4 steps to make (almost) any blowback 9mm AR run 100%...

*NOT for CMMG Banshee!* After a great deal of research, study and testing, I discovered (and confirmed many times over) that there are...

Strike Industries Pistol Buffer Tube/Receiver Extension Kit, AR-15, Fortis Manufacturing Castle...

CVLIFE Optic: (paid link) - As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases: Riptide Armory Advanced Gun Cleaner & CLP+ Kit - Cleans, Lubes, Protects...

Bufferless AR CMMG 22lr Conversion – AT3 Tactical, Right to Bear,...

USE CODE: ARMED25 For 25% off at the Feyachi Store! Code can only be used at the Feyachi website for 25% off your order! Feyachi Store...

Upgrade Your Charging Handle

Jarod has some recommendations for your new AR15! Swap out that OEM handle for a charging handle that will keep the gas from getting...

Re-stippling a previously butchered stippled G19 frame.

A lot of cheap, botched jobs come to our shop. Sometimes it’s past the point of no return. Other times we are able to...

AR Shotgun with DRUM

Help me offset ammo costs:

DELETE recoil with these 3 upgrades

Hope this video helped you guys! save 25% on ALL arken optics with code PEWVIEW Grab a VNSH holster and get entered in for...

INSANE Compensator!

One of the best compensators that I have used to date. The Radian Ramjet/Afterburner. I have a full review on it here. Use...

AR-15 Mag Release Install Trick

Just a little trick that I do when I install a mag release into a new receiver. www.idavemoore.com Instagram: @idavemoore Twitter: @idavemoore Music: Dub...