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Tag: cmmg 22 conversion

Build a reliable AR-22 with Bore Buddy .22 conversion kit upgrades....

I am sharing my most recent build using a WARNE XSKEL Warne XSKEL scope mount Even though this is a left-hand build other...

CMMG 22 Conversion Kit Testing – Do The Skills Transfer?

The CMMG 22lr conversion kit is pretty awesome and a lot of fun, but does everything transfer as far as skills? Is everything the...

1:1 Rifle Training on a budget: The CMMG .22Lr Conversion Kit

I’ve had this kit for several months and it’s been a great training aid. It definitely has its pros and cons but I can’t...

CMMG .22LR AR15 Conversion Kit Review

Since ammunition prices have skyrocketed over the past few years, I have set out to try to find the best way to train while...