Tag: Class 3
XM177 w/ CMMG .22lr Conversion bolt & SilencerCo Sparrow *QUIET*
Me shooting my Colt/NoDak Spud XM177 clone Registered SBR with CMMG 22 ARC Bravo SS Conversion Kit and SilencerCo Sparrow SS. This thing is...
$450 'Happy Switch' for AR-15s
Todd Moore, owner of Moore Guns showed up at the Big Sandy Shoot with his $450 select-fire trigger for AR-15s. He demonstrated it multiple...
AR Pistol VS AR Rifle: What Should You Pick?
When choosing between an AR-15 and an AR pistol, the choice is clear … You really want both. But that is a bit of...
AR Pistol Buyers Guide !
An Overview of things to know before Picking out or building an AR Pistol
Suppressed AR15 9mm SBR
The HK MP5SD is one of my all time favorite CQB Subguns... so I made an AR homage to it! Kind of the best...