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Tag: Charger

Caldwell TAC-30 Mag Charger

Check out the NEW Caldwell Mag Charger TAC-30 engineered by Battenfeld Technologies, Inc. The TAC-30 Mag Charger makes filling a magazine easier than ever...

Review: Caldwell AR Mag Charger

Grandviewoutdoors.com takes an in-depth look at the AR Mag Charger made by Caldwell Shooting Supplies. The AR Mag Charger is a great new device...

Caldwell Mag Charger Universal Pistol Loader

The Caldwell Mag Charger Universal Pistol Loader revolutionizes the way you load your pistol magazines. The Universal Pistol Loader works with both single-stack and...

Caldwell Mag AR 15 Mag Charger- 30 Rounds in Under 10...

Caldwell AR 15 Mag Charger engineered by Battenfeld Technologies, Inc. allows you to load 30 rounds in under 10 seconds.

Fill an AR-15 Mag in 10 Seconds? Caldwell Tac-30 Mag Charger

The Tac-30 AR-15 Mag Charger is impressively quick and easy. If you shoot high volume this is a great solution. See the article here:...

Caldwell Universal Pistol Mag Charger from Battenfeld Technologies

We were very impressed by this Universal Pistol Mag Charger. Plus this guy smoked Riley and Jacob in a race :)