Tag: Busters
Smyth Busters: AR-15 Small Parts Kits Are NOT All the Same
There's an old saying, "Part is parts." So all AR-15 small parts kits are pretty much the same, right? That's the notion going around...
Smyth Busters: AR-15 Dents Primers – Is It Broken?
The quest to separate fact from fiction never ends for Brownells Gun Techs™ Steve and Caleb, and today they tackle a worry that's been...
Smyth Busters: "Building" vs "Assembling" Your Own AR-15
You've bought a set of AR-15 parts and you're putting together a complete rifle. Are you "building" an AR-15 or "assembling" one? This is...
Smyth Busters: What Does the "AR" in AR-15 Stand For?
In their continual fight against the Dark Triad of ignorance, misinformation, and erroneous assumptions, Brownells Gun Techs Caleb and Steve set the record straight...
Smyth Busters: Does an AR-15 Castle Nut Have To Be Staked?
To stake or not to stake? No, that isn't the title of an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Instead, Brownells Gun Techs Steve...
Smyth Busters: AR-15 Bolt / Carrier Lubrication
Brownells Gun Techs Steve Ostrem and Caleb Savant are back to help us separate fact from fiction. Or should we say "friction"? Today's topic...
Smyth Busters: AR-15 Barrel Nut Torque
Brownells Gun Techs Caleb Savant and Steve Ostrem take on another item of the firearm world's "received wisdom," specifically the notion that an AR-15...