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Tag: BLK

What States allow the Br Series Rifles?

With the release of the Br Series, we wanted to be able to get this rifle into states that have heavier restrictions. It's changed...

What is a CMMG Mk4?

This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG Mk4. The easiest way to remember the Mk4 is that it is our 'Mil-Spec'...

What is a CMMG Mk3?

This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG Mk3. The easiest way to remember the Mk3 is that it is our .308...

CMMG Dissent Rifle in 300 blk

Today we are out at the range with the CMMG Dissent rifle. With test to see how quiet it is with a suppressor on...

DEFCAN Suppressors, now in 8.6 BLK! A Closer Look

Introducing the newest addition to our DEFCAN line of suppressors... the 8.6! The DEFCAN 8.6 is a direct thread suppressor designed for use with...

CAT Dirty Dave VS CGS Hyperion 300 blk Sig 120 grain...

@specterscat @TheJaySituation @SwampYankeeArms @CloudDefensive @radianweapons @DIEFREECO @WinchesterAmmunitionOfficial @sigsauerinc ...

Sig Sauer MCX Rattler LT 6.75” 300 BLK Conversion Kit In...

In this video I’ll be reviewing and installing the new sig Sauer mcx rattler lt 6.75” 300 blackout conversion kit. I’ll go in depth...