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LV Sun Finally Reveals Biden Interview That Exposes Depths of Anti-Gun...

The interview took place on January 11, 2020, and was published last week—more than one year later—with the paper noting they “felt the...

Joe Biden Wants to Ban 9mm Pistols

A week after he told voters that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect “a magazine with a hundred clips in it,” 2020 Democratic Presidential...

Joe Biden and His Gift for Gaffes

When the Democrats who are seeking their party’s nomination to run against Donald Trump in 2020 start talking about guns, anyone who supports...

Joe Biden: Your AR-15 & Magazines, We NEED to know that...

Joe Biden: Your AR15 & Magazines, We NEED to know you have the ➡️ Joe Biden wants gun owners to either hand their hardware to...

Joe Biden: REGISTER your AR-15 or Sell them to the Government

JOE BIDEN REGISTER AR-15 Recently, Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden released details of his “assault weapons” ban and it calls for AR-15s to be...

Joe Biden Says 90% of Americans Want To Ban AR-15s

Joe Biden Says 90% of Americans Want To Ban AR15s Joe where is this study? Please show me the poll that says 90% of people...