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Tag: best 308 rifle

Boomers Rejoice! CMMG MK3 Dissent 308

The CMMG MK3 Dissent in the boomer 308 .. Side folder, side charging and a slick operation. Complete Parts List Here ► Patreon Shirts/Hats TriStar...

Best 308 Rifles 2024! Who is The NEW #1?

Are you looking for the best 308 Rifles 2024? If you don't have time for the details, here are the top 4 best 308...

Windham Armory AR10 Full Review (SRC 308)

Another by request Patreon review video, we take the Windham Armory AR10 out on several outings for testing. Nikon ProStaff 7 scopes, check out that...

6.5 Creedmor AR10 You Should Buy: DB 10

Could it be Diamondback, a previously beleaguered firearms company is making a comeback? As a consumer advocate I root for this process to...