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Tag: barrett

Barrett AR-15s: New Recce 7 Line Coming Soon!

Discover the exciting world of Barrett firearms! Join our discussion as we explore their collaborations, delve into the details of their AR-15 rifles, and...

SHOCKED! – Unboxing / First Look: TEMU EOTECH Clone…WOW – Red...

Doing this video caught me completely off guard and quite frankly shocked me to be honest. I found this product by accident while...

SHOT Show 2011 – Bushmaster Carbon 15 SuperLight Carbine

- Gunsmithing Library with 21,583 Printable Gun Manuals, Schematics, Blueprints & Antique Gun Catalogs + Searchable Guns & Ammo Reference Guide +...

How we mastered Firearms Balance

Subscribe to our Newsletter! Join our Membership! At Desert Tech we love firearms innovation, we are always going against the grain and bypassing traditional...

NRA-ILA | I Defend The 2nd: Ronnie Barrett

The second installment of the NRA’s “I Defend the 2nd” campaign features Ronnie Barrett, founder of Barrett Firearms and designer of the Barrett...

Is this gun legal??

This is the SCR FightLite chambered in 223/556 nato. The ATF hates this gun for several reasons and in my option the ATF will...

the ATF just made my AR pistol illegal… Proof Research Barrel

AR15 pistol. Ar pistol built by tactical studios in arizona. Check them out! It was an awesome build, centered around the Proof Research Carbon...

Double Tap binary trigger #ar15 #arpistol #binarytrigger

ar15 pistol with a binary trigger We shoot little dingers and big ole bangers. Based in Arizona. limited spots available for paid entrepreneur internship-...

EOTECH G43 or G33: Which one to buy? (especially if...

The short answer is...it depends. When I picked up my G45, it had the same footprint as a G33, so my only change was...

and this is how Joe Biden sold me AR-15 pistol.true story.

and this is how Joe Biden sold me AR-15 pistol.true story. this video is not to promote any kind of violence or purchasing of a...