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Anderson AM-15 | ATN X-Sight 4K Pro

AR-15 with Silencerco Omega Suppressor and ATN X-sight 4k Pro Scope. #riflereviews

Shooting a 16″ Ruger SFAR at 450 yards with the ATN...

Trying the ABL1000 on my Ruger SFAR out past 300 yards Get 'Hellfire' by Adam Drake and over 1M mainstream tracks here: License ID:...

Anderson AR-15 Rifle ATN X-Sight 4K Pro

Anderson AR-15 rifle. #riflereviews #anderson

POG Battery Pack for Electronic night vision/ Thermal Scopes Review and...

Perceptive Outdoor Gear (Best) external battery pack for electronic day/night or thermal rifle scopes. This 10,000mah external battery pack will power your electronic day...

The ATN 4K Pro – Full Review – Night Vision Scope...

Read the full review at GunsAmerica.com/Digest

Night Vision Off Amazon? Does it Work?

Night vision scopes are not normally this cheap, but does this ATN scope that I got off Amazon actually do a good job? We...

35 Coyotes Down Suppressed AR-15 (Epic Filmed Daytime Footage)

Holly and I take turns shooting and filming on these hunts. We take 35 coyotes in the daytime hunting in the west! Gear Used:...

ATN X-Sight Day/Night Scope! Nightvision on a Budget

This has been upgraded to the X-Sight II. X-Sight II 3-14x50mm: X-Sight II 5-20x85mm: This video is for educational purposes and discussion only....