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NRA-ILA | “Political Grief,” Gun Control, and Guilt by Association

Across the country, voters disappointed with President Trump’s election are coping with their feelings in...

NRA-ILA | Kansas: Former Kansas State Rifle Association President Patricia Stoneking...

On Sunday, August 27th, Kansas State Rifle Association (KSRA) President and NRA-ILA state director, Travis...

NRA-ILA | Alabama Sheriffs Association Working to Stifle your Constitutional Rights

Law enforcement is sworn to uphold the state laws and the Constitution, so why is...

NRA-ILA | Alabama: Sheriff’s Association Working With Anti-Gun Group Opposing Constitutional...

Bobby Timmons, director of the Alabama Sheriff’s Association (ASA), is so opposed to acknowledging your...

National Hearing Conservation Association Supports Suppressors

Photo Courtesy of Silencer Shop On October 28th, the National Hearing Conservation Association sent its new position paper on firearms suppressors to the American...