Tag: assist
Saga of the AR15 Forward Assist: A Solution Searching for a...
#forgottenweapons #stoner #history #ar15 #m16 #forwardassist #controversy #rifle
Using Back Up Iron Sights to Assist with Zero
When you zero your rifle, a quick way to expedite the task is to use your backup iron sights to co-witness and adjust the...
Smyth Busters: Does the AR-15 REALLY Need a Forward Assist?
Want to lob a grenade into the middle of an internet forum discussion or a social media thread? Just say, "The AR-15 doesn't need...
XTS red anodized ar-15 parts kit
Hey all - SyrupDishes with a short video with our red ar-15 parts kid from Xtreme Tactical Sports. Check it out!
Kyle Rittenhouse and the AR15 Forward Assist
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AR-15 – Forward Assist and What It's For
Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
The forward assist is for forcing...
How to Build an AR-15 Upper Receiver – Part 1 –...
ARBuildJunkie.com looks at how to assemble an AR-15 upper receiver, step-by-step. In part 1, we'll show you, in detail, how to install your...
Which Handgun Magazine Loader is right for you?
Three options for mag loaders that we and our customers like to use at the range. You can check out the UpLula, ETS C.A.M....