Tag: assembly
California: Excise Tax Legislation to Be Heard in the Assembly Appropriations...
On May 12th, the Assembly Appropriations Committee will hear Assembly Bills 1223, 1237, and 1509.
Source link
How to build an AR15 upper receiver
AR-15 Upper Receiver build start to finish
Links to some of the products I use and recommend:
8 Piece Pin Punch Set 4 inch Long with...
Step by Step Lower Receiver Assembly
This video shows you step by step on how to build a complete lower for your AR-15.
Some affiliated links:
Lauer Custom Weaponry AR-15 Stripped Lower...
AR-15 – Battle Arms Development EPP/ETP – Enhanced Pins Installation/Overview
Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
This is the easiest pivot pin...
AR-15 Build Series Part 4: Upper Assembly
This AR-15 Build Series will hopefully assist in showing how we build our AR-15's. It might be intimidating to build an AR-15, but take...
Step By Step Assembly For AR-10 Upper Receiver | Live Free...
The AR-10 is one of the most common precision rifles in the U.S.A. The AR-10 is the starting point not only for most modern...
.450 Bushmaster Complete Upper Assembly by Bear Creek Arsenal – Part...
I just bought this $208 complete upper from BCA. This video is a first look. More to come...
The following is my scope set up,
Indiana: General Assembly Recesses
Yesterday, the General Assembly recessed from its 2021 legislative session. During this session, the House passed House Bill 1369, to ensure that law-abiding adults...
COMPLETE LOWER WALKTHRU. MADE EASY! AR lower receiver build ...
Are you building or thinking of building an AR lower receiver? I’ll walk you through each and every piece. I’ll show you how...
Nevada: Assembly Passes Ban on Home-Built Firearms
Yesterday, the Assembly voted 26-16 to pass an amended version of Assembly Bill 286, to end the centuries old practice of making firearms...