Home Tags Assault Weapons and Semi-Autos

Tag: Assault Weapons and Semi-Autos

NRA-ILA | Washington: House and Senate Committees to Hear Anti-Gun Bills...

The 2023 session is still in its first week and anti-gun lawmakers are wasting no...

NRA-ILA | Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Signs Gun Ban Bill

Last night, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed House Bill 5471 into law against the vocal opposition...

NRA-ILA | Texas Legislature Convenes for 2023 Session

Gun Control Legislation from Minority Party Continues to Dominate Bill Filings The 2023 Regular Session of...

NRA-ILA | Illinois: Gun Ban Goes to Governor

Today, the House voted 68-41 to pass the Senate amended version of House Bill 5471,...

NRA-ILA | Illinois: Another Gun & Mag Ban Bill Created in...

Today, Senator Don Harmon filed Senate Floor Amendments 1 and 2 to gut House Bill...

NRA-ILA | Illinois: House Passes Gun & Mag Ban

Last night, the House voted 64-43 to pass Senate Bill 2226 with House Amendments 1...

NRA-ILA | Illinois: Lame Duck Legislative Session Convenes Today

Today, the Illinois General Assembly convenes for the lame duck session. It is possible that...

NRA-ILA | Washington: Gov. Inslee Calls for Gun Ban & Permit...

Governor Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that they will continue Washington’s incremental...

NRA-ILA | Incrementalism in Action: Anti-Gun Governor Targets Lawfully Registered Firearms...

There are two absolutes in gun control strategy, and both were on display recently when...

NRA-ILA | Illinois Lawmaker’s Gun Control Package for Law-Abiding Citizens on...

Illinois lawmakers have scheduled hearings for their gun control package bill, falsely titled the “Protect Illinois...