Tag: arsenal
$550 AR-15 Pistol Build W/ Parts List- Complete AR-15 Pistol...
- Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp (I need more bullets)
- eBay Store:
- ...
AK Bolt Cleaning/Disassembly/Assembly
Everyone asks where I find gun stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
I show you exactly how to...
Bear Creek Arsenal Upper Unboxing
Bear Creek Arsenal is becoming more popular among AR 15 enthusiasts. The company makes barrels, compete uppers and rifles for gun enthusiasts. I...
$500 "Civilian" AR-15 Build & Rifle Setup – A Cheap Way...
- Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp (I need more bullets)
- eBay Store:
- ...
Brace Your AK Pistol (SB Tactical)
Use code "704Tactical" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet order anytime
SB Tactical BA-AK Stock Adapter 33% Off
UPC: 699618782349
SB Tactical...
Why You Should Not Put A Muzzle Brake On an AR...
- TIPS: paypal.me/FocusTripp (Anything is appreciated homies!!)
In todays video we talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages...
My First AR Pistol Build
As you may have already seen on my Instagram, here it is! My first AR pistol build! This is a Bear Creek Arsenal 10.5...
500 Yards AR15 Bushmaster Varminter
500 yard target session with the AR15 Bushmaster Varminter; also a brief appearance by a surprise gun! This was a great day in...
Cheap $180 16 inch BCA Upper Accuracy test – How accurate...
- TIPS: paypal.me/FocusTripp (Anything is appreciated homies!!)
Today we take a look at the Bear...