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Tag: ar15 setup

How to Set Up Your Civilian AR-15 Rifle?

I hope that this video helped you think about the different things that go include setting up your first rifle. We would love to...

WISE ARMS 5.56 AR-15 PISTOL #shorts

This is my Wise Arms 556 AR15 pistol with a brace. I love it!! Check them out at @WiseArmsRifles WISE ARMS LLC...

AR15 Military setup vs. Civilian setup (part 2)

AR15 Setup @ShawnRyanShow

User Review: Caldwell XLA Pivot 13-23 Inch Bipod with Adjustable Notched...

- Caldwell XLA Pivot 13-23 Inch Bipod with Adjustable Notched Legs and Slim Folding Design for Easy Transport, Rifle Stabili... Caldwell XLA Pivot 13-23...

Best Basic Weaponry Set-up for a #shtf Situation | #ar15...

Here are my recommendations for the best basic weaponry set-up for a #shtf emergency situation. An #ar15 rifle and a #glock26 Pistol is your...

Explaining The Gas System On An AR15

The gas system on an AR15 can be very confusing. Gas tube lengths, gas block diameter, buffer tube setup, and which barrel ties it...

AR-15 Rifle vs Pistol vs SBR

Discussing the differences between what is considered an AR-15 rifle, pistol and a short barrel rifle. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out Ecamm Live for live streaming or recording:...

Ultimate Mid-Level AR-15 Pistol Build / 11.3" Barrel

Full breakdown and parts list of my ultimate short barrel 11.3 inch AR-15 Pistol build! This is a quality mid-price range build! #AR-15 #ARPistol Review...

Sling Setup & 2 Reasons IT MATTERS

UPDATE: New WPS Rifle Sling now available! How to setup your adjustable AR15 rifle sling Sportsman's Guide - Our STORE - Vickers Sling -...

How to Set up an AR15 in 10 Minutes

Setting up your AR15 isn't rocket science. Here's our recommendation for a consistent, quality rifle setup in 10 minutes or less. In this shorter...