Tag: AntiGun
NRA-ILA | New Jersey: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Assembly
On Monday, March 24, the Assembly passed several gun control bills. Most of the bills...
NRA-ILA | Nevada: Your Action Needed! Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Hearings...
Thursday, March 27th at 1:00PM, the Judiciary Committees of both chambers will hold a joint...
NRA-ILA | Virginia: Governor Youngkin Defends your Second Amendment Rights by...
Yesterday, Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) delivered a critical victory for law-abiding gun owners in Virginia...
NRA-ILA | New Jersey: Anti-Gun Bills Eligible for Assembly Floor Vote...
On Monday, March 24th, the Assembly has an afternoon voting session scheduled with several gun...
NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Anti-Gun Industry Liability Bill Moves to House...
Today, House Judiciary passed SB 318, an extreme government overreach bill that expands the New...
NRA-ILA | Vermont: Crossover Day Defeats All Anti-Gun Bills for 2025
Today, March 14th, is the "crossover" deadline in the Vermont legislature. Bills that fail to...
NRA-ILA | Oregon: Anti-Gun “Informational” Hearing Scheduled in Joint Committee
In an egregious show of favoritism by the Legislature, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees...
NRA-ILA | Virginia: General Assembly Adjourns Sine Die with More Anti-Gun...
Yesterday, the Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die, with several dozen anti-gun measures headed to...
NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: House Defeats Two Major Anti-Gun Bills
Today, February 20th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives held votes on two extreme anti-gun...
NRA-ILA | Maryland: Multiple Anti-Gun Bill Hearings This Week
This week, House and Senate committees will hold hearings on gun control and anti-hunting bills. ...