Tag: aluminum
R21- 558 EOTECH Reprint Aluminum Holographic Toy Sight
Tactical Gel Blaster Toy Guns
#Gel #Blaster #Toy #Gun
#Gapingo #Gelblaster #Toyguns #Gelblastertoygun #Taticaltoys #Realistctoyguns #Realistic #Toy #Guns #Gel #blaster #onlineshopping #softbullttoyguns #soft#bullt#toy#guns #New #Brand #Brandnew...
Reviewed: Streamlight StylusPro (excellent AAA flashlight for EDC)
Do you like the content I produce? If so, please consider shopping on Amazon using this affiliate link - it helps me to grow...
Brownells – TLR-1 Weapon Light
This video showcases the TLR-1 Weapon Light from Streamlight.
Brownells – AR-15 4-Rail Free-Float Handguard
Learn about the AR-15 4-Rail Free-Float Handguard from Yankee Hill Machine Co. Inc. by watching this video. For more information please visit
Thrunite W1 Vs. Olight i5R EOS Vs. Streamlight Microstream...
W1 Comparison Video :
Thrunite W1 :
Olight i5R EOS :
Streamlight Microstream :
Fenix E09R :
Thrunite Flashlights :
Olight Flashlights :
Streamlight Flashlights :
EDC Flashlights :
Surefire Flashlights :
Fenix Flashlights...
The multi-fueled SHTF flashlight Streamlight Protac 1L-1AA which takes 1x AA...
Streamlight 1L-1AA Amazon product link
Magpul Picatinny Rail Light Mount AR platforms (Left Side = your muzzle facing out, and to you is at 11...
EOTECH VUDU 1-6×24 SR1 Unboxing
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From the Vault: GAU-5A/A (Colt Model 630) AR-15 Clone using Brownells...
In this "From the Vault" video, I show off my latest SBR build. This is a clone of the Colt 630, otherwise known as...
Ultimate Dust Cover Install
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How to fix your scratched AR-15 with Birchwood Casey Aluminum Black...
Here is my old Bushmaster AR-15 that got scratched all up when I was carrying it on duty. I thought that it was beyond...