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Tag: aimpoint

BCM AR15 5 Years & 15,000 Rounds Later: What I've Changed

A range video on my Bravo Company 16 Inch Lightweight AR. What accessories I've added and why, what parts I have changed, how it's...

11.5 BCM Build Breakdown

Check out Jake’s new BCM MK2 11.5 inch AR build! In this video I go over my build and the first impressions I had...

“Why Buy Double(Single)-Action in 2024?!” Sig P229 Legion + Romeo-X...

In this video, we'll discuss the reasons why this platform is still relevant in a market filled with micro-carry (subcompact), trendy, "hyped up" firearms....

Aimpoint v Eotech – Which is King? | 9-Hole Reviews

Henry and Josh of @9HoleReviews do some target practice with their Aimpoints and EOTechs and compare traits between these two long-established and highly reputable...

Der beste Vordergriff?

#hecklerandkoch #hk416 #mr223 in diesem video stelle ich euch den TangoDown Stubby vordergriff vor. follow me on Instagram: ____________________________________ #aimpoint #ar15 #gewehr #gewehre #waffen #waffe...

Best Red Dot Sight 2024! Who Is The NEW #1?

Best Red Dot Sight 2024! Who Is The NEW #1? ► Links to the best red dot sight 2024 we listed in this video: ► 6....

Decisions…..Aimpoint Comp M5 or EoTech EXPS3-2

Decided to put these two top of the line Optics and their subsequent magnifiers through the paces in the environment that mostly resembles my...

Thoughts On General Purpose Rifle Optic Choice Part 1 – Eotech...

In part one of this video I beat the same dead horse a hundred other guntuber channels have already beaten to death, but this...