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NRA-ILA | MN: “Kitchen Sink” Gun Control Bill Passes House –...

Despite the overwhelming opposition expressed through thousands of messages, the Public Safety Omnibus Bill, also...

NRA-ILA | South Carolina – Urgent Action Needed – Constitutional Carry...

Last week, H.3594 was recalled from the Senate Judiciary Committee with a 24-18 vote. This...

NRA-ILA | Minnesota: Urgent Action Needed – Oppose Gun Control Bill...

Yesterday, the Public Safety Conference Committee approved universal background checks and red flag provisions, advancing...

NRA-ILA | South Carolina – Urgent Action Needed – Constitutional Carry...

The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman used a flimsy pretext to 'hold over' S.109, the Constitutional Carry...

NRA-ILA | Kansas – Urgent Action Needed – Contact Your Lawmakers...

Your immediate action is needed! Please contact your lawmakers and urge them to support House...

NRA-ILA | Missouri – Urgent Action Needed – Senate Committee Hearing...

The committee hearing for House Bill 282 is set for tomorrow in the Senate Transportation,...

NRA-ILA | Minnesota – Urgent Action Needed – House to Vote...

Tomorrow, the House will be taking up Senate file 2909 with the language of House...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Urgent Action Required – Senate Judiciary Committee...

Last Monday, your NRA testified against over a dozen dangerous gun control bills at a lengthy House...

NRA-ILA | Minnesota – Urgent Action Needed – Contact your Lawmakers...

Governor Walz, of Minnesota, is pushing for gun control measures in the state. Yesterday, he...

NRA-ILA | Tennessee – Urgent Action Needed – Oppose Governor Lee’s...

Today, in a video message, Gov. Bill Lee announced his support for an “improved order...