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Tag: 870

What States allow the Br Series Rifles?

With the release of the Br Series, we wanted to be able to get this rifle into states that have heavier restrictions. It's changed...

Br47 on the Range

We had some friend out for the 10 year birthday of the Mk47 and release of the Br47. Here's a quick montage of some...

December Winner Announced! DISSENT Br3 in 308!

A huge congratulations to our winner! We will be doing this monthly, each time with a different prize. Follow what Mike says in the...

First SHOTS with the 338 ARC DISSENT and Friends

First Shots on the new 338 ARC in our 6.5" DISSENT with our DEFCAN 8.6 suppressor. Just out having some fun with the guys. Don't...

338 ARC Lands at CMMG!

338 ARC is coming to our Mk4 and Br4 Platforms! Ranging in configurations from pistols to rifles, and barrels from 6.5" to 16", we've...


This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG Br4. The easiest way to remember the Br4 is to think Mk4 for BoomeRs. Look...

What is the CMMG Br3?

This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG Br3. The easiest way to remember the Br3 is to think of our Mk3...

Run a .22 Conversion Kit in Your Br4!

We now have a spacer that allows you to run the .22 Conversion Kit with your Br4 lower. Starting in Dec. 2024 these will...

The Br3 DISSENT – A Closer Look

With the release of the Mk3 DISSENTs it was just a matter of time before we had to make the Br3. Combining the Mk3...

Why We Built the All New DISSENT Br4!

With the release of the all new Br4, many people are asking "why?". Here, we dive into that a bit. Simply put, we want...