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AR-57 5.7×28

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@CMMG cmmg rifle build (pcc technically) 5.7×28 FN FiveSeven

Very interesting rifle (pcc technically) chambered in a 5.7 x28 or Fn FiveSeven. Just Gun has been an absolute blast on the range.. We...

What is a CMMG Mk57?

This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG Mk57. The easiest way to remember the Mk57 is to think 57 as 5.7mm. Look...

Installing a CMMG extension on a 20 round FN Five seveN...

It is a pretty easy modification, just not sure how reliable it will be until I get some range time with it.

Limited Run 20th Anniversary DISSENTS!

We have a bit of overstock on some of our 20th Anniversary DISSENTS. You can snag a Mk57 or Mk4 5.56 Pistol while supplies...

February Winner Announced! Mk4 5.7×28 BANSHEE w/Blown Deadline

A huge congratulations to our winner! We will be doing this monthly, each time with a different prize. Follow what Mike says in the...

Hornady BLACK 5.7×28

First look at the accuracy of the Hornady BLACK 5.7x28. Be sure to check out Buffmanrange’s full length segment on this round once...