NRA-ILA | Arizona: House Judiciary Committee Hearing Pro-Gun Bills

On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee will hear three pro-gun bills that crossed over from...

NRA-ILA | Missouri: Committee Hearing Public Transit Self-Defense

On Wednesday, the House Emerging Issues Committee will hear House Bill 282, to ensure law-abiding citizens...

NRA-ILA | Defend to Defund to Depolice: Los Angelinos Reconsider Armed Defense

Many municipalities being pressured by the progressive left have “defunded the police,” with activists claiming...

NRA-ILA | DOD-funded Report Seeks to Undermine U.S. Service Members’ Second Amendment Rights

Stymied by the American people and their elected representatives in attempts to enact the type...

NRA-ILA | Colorado: Assault Weapon Ban Introduced

Late Friday night, members in the anti-gun majority introduced a bill, House Bill 23-1230 (“HB 23-1230”), which...

NRA-ILA | Hypocrisy, Discrimination Characterize California-Style Gun Control

As we mentioned just last week, California is a laboratory for oppressive and ineffective gun...

NRA-ILA | Tennessee: Numerous Gun Bills are Slated for Action

Numerous gun bills are scheduled for action in the Volunteer State. It is important that...

NRA-ILA | Oregon: Attack on Your Gun Rights Continue

Yesterday, arm in arm with members of a national anti-gun group, Governor Tina Kotek and Attorney...

NRA-ILA | Colorado: Anti-Gun Bill Scheduled for Committee Hearing

On Monday, March 6, the House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Committee is expected...

NRA-ILA | Maryland: Anti-Gun Bill Scheduled for Senate Committee Vote

On Tuesday, March 7, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is expected to vote on Senate Bill 1, a...