NRA-ILA | Michigan: House Committee Advances Carry Restrictions Bill

Yesterday, the House Committee on Elections passed House Bills 4127 and 4128, to prohibit lawful...

NRA-ILA | Washington: House Passes Waiting Period & Training Mandate Bill

Late last night, after midnight, the House voted 52-44 to pass House Bill 1143, to...

NRA-ILA | Florida: 2023 Session Convened, Senate Committee Hearing Constitutional Carry

Yesterday, March 7th, the Florida Legislature began the 2023 legislative session. Tomorrow, at 9:00AM, the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee...

NRA-ILA | Michigan: Committees Hearing Radical Gun Control Schemes Again

Today, starting at 3:00PM EST, the House Judiciary Committee will hold another hearing for three gun control...

NRA-ILA | Florida: 2023 Legislative Session Convened Yesterday

Yesterday, March 7th, the Florida Legislature began the 2023 legislative session. This year, Florida has another chance to join the...

NRA-ILA | Alabama: 2023 Legislative Session Convened Yesterday

Yesterday, March 7th, the Alabama Legislature began the 2023 legislative session. As in 2022, the Legislature can expect to see both...

NRA-ILA | Kansas: Firearm Safety Education Bill Up for House Floor Vote Tomorrow

Tomorrow, the Kansas House will debate and vote on HB 2304, a bill that expands...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Waiting Period and Firearms Industry Lawsuit Bills on Deck Again...

House Bill 101 (Semi-Auto Ban & Magazine Limit Bill NOT on House Judiciary Committee Agenda for...

NRA-ILA | Kentucky: Campus Self-Defense Goes to House Floor

Today, the House Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection voted 16-3 to pass House Bill...

NRA-ILA | North Carolina: Pistol Permit Repeal Scheduled for House Committee Hearing

Tomorrow, March 7, the House Judiciary 3 Committee is expected to hear and vote on House...