Oregon retailers can’t bar gun sales based on age, BOLI suggests

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries issued a memo this week suggesting that it is illegal...

ILA | Why Judges Matter

Can a state attorney general unilaterally reinterpret a gun control statute to retroactively ban firearms...

ILA | 2018 Election is an Important Midterm

Our many battles over the past 147 years have taught us that every election is...

ILA | New Jersey: Gov. Murphy Targets Bear Hunting

Earlier this week, anti-gun and anti-hunting Gov. Phil Murphy continued his pandering to animal rights...

ILA | University of Utah Instructor Ostracizes Concealed Carriers

In an outrageous attempt to punish anyone exercising their Second Amendment rights, a University of...

3D-printed guns: Federal judge in Seattle frustrated over case, could make decision by Monday

U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik says he’s frustrated “political branches” haven’t resolved the issue, leaving his court to rule. ...

GUNTER: Handgun bans are all about dramatic, showy action

One of my first editors once told me the four most dangerous words in the English language are “Something must be done!”Once a...