NRA-ILA | Washington: Senate Passes Gun Rights Prohibition Bill

Today, the Senate voted 36-12 to pass Senate Bill 5006, an anti-gun bill that hijacks a suicide...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Gun Ban & Waiting Period Legislation to be Considered in...

On Friday, February 17, the New Mexico House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on mandatory...

NRA-ILA | South Carolina: House Committee Advances Constitutional Carry to a Floor Vote

Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee voted 16-7-2 to advance Representative Bobby Cox’s House Bill 3594, the constitutional...

NRA-ILA | Arizona: Pro-Guns Bills Scheduled for Policy Hearings

Today, at 9AM, the House Judiciary Committee will hear House Bill 2667 and, at 2PM, the Senate...

NRA-ILA | West Virginia: House Judiciary Hearing Campus Self-Defense Act

Tomorrow, at 9:00AM, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on Senate Bill...

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: House Committee to Vote on Gun Bills this Thursday

On Thursday, February 16th, the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will be holding...

NRA-ILA | Hawaii: House Judiciary Committee to Hear Anti-Gun Bills

Last week, the Hawaii Legislature considered several anti-gun bills, and three more anti-gun bills are...

NRA-ILA | Virginia: House Subcommittee Voted Down Senate Anti-Gun Bills

Last week, the House Judiciary Subcommittee killed the remaining anti-Second Amendment bills. Despite efforts from...

NRA-ILA | North Carolina: Committee Hearing Tomorrow for Permit-to-Purchase Repeal

Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th, at 11:00 a.m., the Judiciary Committee will hear and vote on...

NRA-ILA | Mississippi: Bill Crossover Deadline Passes, Anti-Gun Bills Do Not

Last Friday, February 10th, was the deadline for the majority of bills to pass from...