ILA | California: Legislature Down to the Final Week
The California Legislature is down to the final week of session and will be adjourning...
ILA | Alert: ACLU Supports NRA in Lawsuit Against NY Gov....
August 25, 2018
USF & NRA Member and Friends
Marion P....
AR15 Buttstocks by Magpul and Vltor
This video is about collapsable buttstocks for the AR15 platform. Support our channel by becoming a "patron" We look at the CTR...
Washington Supreme Court puts gun-regulations measure I-1639 back on November ballot
The Washington state Supreme Court has ruled that the proposed gun-regulations measure, Initiative 1639 will appear on November’s election ballot.
Read NRA's Brief on Initiative 1639 to Washington State's Supreme Court
The Washington Constitution specifies few requirements for the initiative process, but the first one is this: “Every such petition shall include the full...
ILA | Israel Liberalizes Firearms Licensing Regime and Iraq Reexamines Gun...
A pair of Middle East countries are reexamining their approaches to gun control. Earlier this...
ILA | Swing and a Miss: “Experts” Analyze Brett Kavanaugh’s Sports...
We’ve said it before: The media’s output has become so ludicrous and detached from common...
ILA | What Really Drove the Early ‘90s Crime Wave?
A funny thing happens when you read a study: you actually come to understand the...
ILA | HSUS and PayPal Become…Pals?
PayPal, the world’s largest money transfer service for online transactions, has aligned itself with the...