Home AR-15 Palmetto State Armory Carry Handle Sight

Palmetto State Armory Carry Handle Sight


AmbGun Ambi Known Distance Irons vs ACOG Shootout project

Very positive reviews led me to choose the Palmetto State Armory carry handle for a carry handle irons vs optics project. Very positive elevation and windage clicks. Z and numerical elevation marks, as well as the elevation position strike.

The A2 sight embedded in the PSA carry handle is more stable than low to mid-tier offerings.

Like most carry handle sights it “features” huge thumb nuts which I promptly removed and cut the studs shorter. Use steel 5mm nuts with .8 pitch. I torqued to 25 inch pounds. Low drag, less snaggy.

Oddly, the PSA sight was not indexed properly with the sight bottoming out well before the 300 meter 6/3 marking. To get two clean clicks, I needed to move the top index wheel 4 clicks counter-clockwise.

With elevation rotated to 600 meters, the 6/3 under the index line, I backed out the small screw with a 1/16” hex key, held the top index wheel in place while I rotated the bottom wheel four clicks clockwise. Snugged down the hex screw that lock the two halves together.

Nonetheless, the PSA carry handle looks to be the equal of the highly regarded surplus Colt version. It has the coveted square, I believe BASF, foundry mark.

Highly recommended.

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  1. Cool. Think I will get one. Been making my daughters shoot irons out to 500 223, and 400 with their Tippman and Tenex ammo.

    Not near as accurate as their custom 22lr PRS NRL bolt action, but good training none the less.

    And my wallet screams less as they have decided ammo is part of the USDA food pyramid.

  2. If you have to adjust the rear sight on the carry handle then why would you even recommend it? The average novice shooter is not going to know they need to do that or even how to do that in fact when you purchase it for $100 from PSA you should not have to do that.🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. Here's more shooter's need to know: Properly adjusting the M4, or M16-A4’s sights for a 300-meter Battle Sight Zero (BSZ) will sync the sights for a Bullet Drop Compensation function (BDC).

    The “Battle Sight Zero” supports engagement of unknown distance targets, allowing the shooter to aim center mass on an “E” type target and achieve a hit from muzzle to 300 meters with bullet impacting no more than 10 inches above point of aim at about 170 meters, and hit to 350 meters with bullet impacting no more than 10 inches below point of aim. In fact, utilizing the whole 20 inches of target below center of mass hold allows the shooter to hit a target out to 400 meters.

    Once zeroed for a 300 meter Battle Sight Zero, the rear sight elevation wheel can now be hastily adjusted for engagement of known distance targets beyond 300 meters. This adjustment is known as Bullet Drop Compensation. The numbers on the wheel represent distances in meters. So, from the elevation wheel’s 300 meter setting, clicking up to 4, or 5 adjusts the trajectory of the round to engage targets at the corresponding distance (i.e., 4=400m, 5=500m). And one full revolution up from 300 meter setting will correlate to the number 6 on the left side of the 3, thus setting BDC for 600 meters. Now, since the elevation wheel moves M16-A4 bullet point of impact in .50 MOA per click increments and M4 bullet point of impact in .75 MOA per click increments, the shooter can adjust sight to unmarked incremental distances between marked settings.

    Begin zeroing by depressing front sight detent with tip of bullet, or a sight adjustment tool, permitting the sight post to be rotated in direction as needed for one of its flange indents to engage the detent where the flange is flush to the deck of the front sight base. Next, set the rear sight small diameter aperture, also known as the “daylight” aperture, in the up position (the larger aperture is only used when visibility is limited, and/or shooting inside 200 meters) and turn rear sight windage knob in direction needed to align index line located on the top of the large aperture’s outside rim with center index line located on the back of the rear sight’s base. Next, turn the rear sight elevation wheel counterclockwise to bottom it out and then turn elevation wheel clockwise to fit into its first full indent, which should index the wheel’s 6/3 marking to the index line located on the left side of the carry handle above the elevation wheel.

    Now, because the path of the bullet will intersect line of sight twice when zeroing to any finite distance, this is how it is possible to sight-in the M16-A4 for a 300 meter zero at 32 meters, or the M4 at 25 meters from elevation wheel set at 6/3 marking per previous paragraph’s instructions. If precluded to a 25 meter range when sighting-in the M16-A4, you can compensate for the 32 meter to 25 meter offset by setting the M16-A4’s elevation wheel 2 clicks clockwise beyond the 6/3 marking, which will place the elevation wheel at its “Z” marking. Then, after sighting-in the M16-A4 at 25 meters, turn the elevation wheel 2 clicks counterclockwise from the “Z” marking, which will index the 6/3 marking on the elevation wheel back to the index line on the carry handle above the elevation wheel. Thus set, the rifle will be zeroed for 300 meters and synchronized for a Bullet Drop Compensation function.

  4. The 4 clicks of depression you indexed has a value 2 MOA when sight is mounted to an A4 and that’s not quite enough depression to host a 50/200 meter zeroing capability when the sight has been zeroed for a 6/3 BDC function. At any rate, if the sight is placed on the A4 and shooter is firing M855 then 8 clicks of depression from the 6/3 setting will yield a 6/3 BDC function and then with adjustment to bottom out the sight, a pretty good 100 meter zero. Having a total of 32 .5 MOA value clicks the shooter still has 24 clicks from the low 6/3 marking to reach 6/3 again for 600 meter engagements. What this all means is the shooter could shoot decent scores in US Service Rifle Competition at 100, 200, 300, 500, and 600 yard events.

  5. Thanks for the review, I have always wanted a carry handle AR. I just bought my 3rd AR and decided it’s time to have one!! What brand of rifle did you put the handle on?? Good looking set up man! Thanks for sharing!

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