Home CMMG 4 steps to make (almost) any blowback 9mm AR run 100% (AR9/AR-9...

4 steps to make (almost) any blowback 9mm AR run 100% (AR9/AR-9 simple blowback)


*NOT for CMMG Banshee!* After a great deal of research, study and testing, I discovered (and confirmed many times over) that there are 4 simple key steps that should get almost any 9mm AR feeding, cycling, running, and ejecting properly. Note when I say “100%”, I mean it should feed, fire, and function as reliably as would be expected from a typical quality firearm. No mechanical system runs 100% perfectly 100% of the time.

More information including links can be found at Blowback9.com.

I wear ear plugs, or muffs, or both, in every shooting video.

Blowback9’s videos are filmed at a private shooting club in a controlled setting under the supervision of trained professionals. Blowback9’s videos are for entertainment purposes only. Do not try to recreate or mimic anything seen in Blowback9’s videos. Do not act in any way based upon any of the information found in Blowback9’s videos. The accuracy of the information in Blowback9’s videos is not guaranteed or warranted in any way. You, and only you, are responsible for the consequences of your actions. By watching Blowback9’s videos you agree that we will not be held liable for any injury to yourself, others, or property resulting from attempting anything based on what is shown or described in these videos.

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  1. I know I am late to the party . But I was hoping to get your input on my wraithworks warscorp9
    Runs great in semi auto . But with my frt trigger I believe it is encountering bolt bounce and leading to light strikes .
    My bolt and buffer weight combined is 20.5 ounces with a sprinco blue spring.
    Any input would be appreciated to have it run reliably . Thank you 🙏🏻

  2. i originally built my AR9 around 2016, using mostly CMMG parts (barrel, receivers, LPK) and never had cycling issues with mine. ive never even used a buffer, just the head of it. i had a buffer that i can put weight in, so i just used the head…reason being, my 9mm bolt is already weighted from the factory

  3. Solid video and great info all around. For competition PCC’s where you’re also chasing to limit sight movement, there is some value to going with a slightly lower reciprocating mass (closer to 19oz) and higher spring load. Though I absolutely agree the 308 springs are often overkill.

  4. Awesome information thanks for the video. I'm almost finished with my first AR9 build. I got the upper with bolt and CH from PSA it's a brand called tacfire and I am impressed. It has good reviews and the barrel is decently coned. I'm still gonna polish it, comes from being a glock guy. But the only thing I need to purchase is my buffer. I know from other people and your video that I need a heavier one. Actually the 80% lower that I built the company calls for at minimum 9oz. I may try the KAK ind. Because I have had good luck with their products. Thanks for the knowledge. New Subscriber

  5. Something wrong with my FX-9.
    Pull trigger and get a click.
    Was working perfectly last week.
    Disassembled to clean, including trigger, and now it’s not firing.
    Dry fire works fine.

    Getting a faint primer strike.
    I thought firing pin might be stuck but you can push it through from the back manually. Took it out and cleaned it and the spring. Still no bang.


  6. The only buffer that I could use for my FM-9 PCC was Mike 45 Heavy Buffer, designed for PCCs chambered for .45ACP rounds. Such a heavy buffer had solved all the problems that I had with my PCC, such as bolt bounce, FTFs and so on…

  7. Just took my 9mm rifle for a test drive last week and it runs great. It’s an A5 system so I changed the bolt weight to compensate lighter A5H4 buffer. It runs great even with the Geissele rifle spring. It’s only 115gr factory ammo so hopefully it will work on heavier projectiles

  8. I swear now that I've figured the feed ramp out after finding a single video with very specific and extensive key word searches on multiple apps, youtube has decided I'm allowed to see the pantheon of videos that I looked for initially many moons ago. You're doing the community a great service sir. Sorry for being years late to the party, i was caught in algorithm traffic.

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