Your NRA was in Pierre today to congratulate the prime sponsors of pro-gun bills that passed out of the legislature this session. Three bills await Governor Larry Rhoden’s signature to become law.
Senate Bill 100, sponsored by Senator Jensen, Senator Voita, Representative Gosch, and representative Mulally, allows enhanced permit holders to carry on the campus of a state institution of higher education.
House Bill 1218, sponsored by Representative Aylward and Senator Voita, prohibits political subdivisions from restricting concealed carry on properties they own or lease for employees, officers, and volunteers, and repeals gun-free zones at eateries and establishments that serve alcohol.
House Bill 1222, sponsored by Representative Nolz and Senator Voita, allows for firearms to be stored in vehicles on school grounds by permit holders.
NRA thanks these sponsors and all legislators who supported these critical bills and ensured they reached Governor Rhoden’s desk! Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates.
Pictured (left-right): Rep. Spencer Gosch, Sen. Kevin Jensen, Sen. Mykala Voita, Rep. Tina Mulally, NRA-ILA State Director Brian Gosch, Rep. Aaron Aylward, Rep. Kaley Nolz.
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