Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Iowa: Pro-Gun Bills are Moving in the Hawkeye State

NRA-ILA | Iowa: Pro-Gun Bills are Moving in the Hawkeye State


This month, Iowa has seen a number of bills pass through the legislative process. This is an update on where many of the pro-Second Amendment bills currently stand.

HJR7 & SJR 7: Have both passed out of committee and are eligible to be taken up by their respective chambers. This legislation proposes a constitutional amendment to enshrine the Right to Hunt, Fish, and Trap. In recent years, anti-hunting organizations across the nation have pushed their agenda to restrict or, in some instances, outright ban hunting, fishing, and trapping. Now is the time to ensure present and future generations can provide for themselves and their families and continue the North American model of wildlife management. Currently, 24 states have a constitutionally protected right to hunt and fish.

House Study Bill 200: Passed out of both sub-committee and committee. It is now eligible for a vote on the House floor. This bill directs the state to develop and distribute an age-appropriate firearm safety program to all schools, available to students’ grades K-12. For grades K-6th, the program would be modeled after the NRA’s Eddie Eagle program. This program is an accident prevention program that teaches children what to do if they ever come across a firearm. For those in 7th -12th grade, the model will be based on the NRA’s hunter safety course that teaches students to properly handle a firearm and certifies the student in hunter safety. 

House File 132: Passed out of the Ways and Mean sub-committee and will be taken up by the committee of the whole. This bill would create a tax credit for those purchasing a safe to store their firearms. It would allow you to claim the value of the safe, up to $500.00, on your taxes. The credit would retroactively apply to safes purchased earlier in 2025.

HSB 199 & SF 106: Allows individuals to carry a loaded firearm while operating a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle. The House version passed out of sub-committee earlier this week and the Senate version has passed out of committee and is eligible for a vote on the Senate floor.

Stay tuned to your inbox and the NRA-ILA website for updates on your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in Iowa.

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