On Monday, February 24th, the Senate Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 5098, a vast expansion to “gun free” zones in Washington.
Please consider submitting testimony in opposition of this bill and register your position as “Con” through the Senate Committee website and contact your Senator by using the TAKE ACTION button below.
Senate Bill 5098 prohibits the possession of firearms in parks, government buildings, and locations where “children are likely to be present.” While the legislation was amended to exempt concealed pistol license holders, the vague language could be interpreted and applied to interfere with hunting and recreational shooting opportunities. This overbroad language is indicative of the disdain anti-gun legislators have for law-abiding citizens and their desire to turn the entire state of Washington into a “gun-free” zone.
Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates as this legislative session progresses.
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