The Munitionworks FIXIE LT. An AR for people who have pretty much had it with ARs.
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Our Cataloger is going nuts you featured that G Suit lol
Youve really captured Nutnfancy's aura in that thumbnail.
Yeah, this is more or less what I did when I put together my second AR. Only major difference is I went with a carbine gas system instead of midlength to satiate my requirement for a functional bayonet mount. Otherwise it's all magpul furniture with fixed irons (best irons) in alternating black and FDE colors. A nice KISS build.
My only regret was going with the basic magpul MOE stock over the CTR. I didn't know the CTR locked in to reduce rattle. Luckily I found adding some tape enough to resolve it for now.
This is the first rifle every guy should get. Simple and forces you to learn and get good with the basics
M26 lemon grenade did a Wolf A1 build for restless AR syndrome. Pretty wizard tbh.
I just wanted to say “wizard” to sound cool.
The cutoff before the Nahhhh was hilarious
Will watching Hop make me more fascionable?
VLTOR A5 buffer system allegedly fits under the fixed carbine stock.
Does nobody make a pencil barreled dissipator? It seems like that’s what you were going for?
plain simple ar-15…. Plain Simple Ar-15… P lain S imple A r-15…. PSA!?!
Seeing this video in my feed the whole day without really paying attention or watching it, I thought it was a nutnfancy video with tactical doodle in the thumbnail until just now after clicking on it.
What about a KP-15 polymer lower? Even more simple and lightweight
never seen a trigger pull like that
Lol this is essentially all of the mods I did to my M&P sport 2. I feel very seen
Around 2011-2012, Noveske was building “Skinny” carbines with 14.5” midlength LW profile barrels w/ FSBs and Moe handguands. Super handy rifles, modeled many of my own after that concept.
Well… I love it
I built out a 14.5” carbine. Old school fixed Ace Entry stock. GI handguards. KZ light mount. TLR long gun kit. Daniel defense rear sight. Ultra handy.
Plain, simple.
The Pimple AR15
Did he name his cat after Phillip K. Dick's cat?
In some universe there’s an alternate timeline where magpul was developed in the early 1980’s and there were m16 A2’s with rifle length magpul forends and fixed stocks.
This is the carbine I keep telling myself is my next build, but for some reason never is.
I need this build
I love the retros somthin about the front site and the carry handle is just iconic silhouette like the ak47
Literally what I have been looking to build recently. Get out my brain Hop…
Smith and wesson released an M&P magpull edition that was exactly this. It was an awesome rifle and I wish they still made them.
Well done!
snow cat. cat in the snow.
9:19 REAL
When i got my first rifle i thought vortex was the best optics company. Now, I can't help buy stick to Meopta and SigSauer. They've held up great with my dumbass forest larps.
nnn n nnnn n n nnnn n hes a NNNNN n N!!!
So the Zeitgeist has swung back around again to Plain Janes
Hell divers is a repetitive shit game. Totally overhyped.
Aero makes a pretty similar upper, but it has a 16 inch barrel. I got one for my dad in 2022 for $245. Great little upper for the money!